Corporate Patent Teams Relying on Clearstone FTO Are Working Efficiently

  • Improved project organization, efficiency, and timescales allows you to scale and respond faster, enabling better business outcomes
  • Enhanced attorney-client collaboration and communication helps to reduce operational drag on project stakeholders
  • Easily-referenced technical rationale and arguments from previously reviewed patents drives consistency in legal positions
  • Optimized legal budgets are achieved through technology-enabled efficiency gains
    • Intuitively assess patents with a side-by-side display of patent information, independent claims, product information, and analysis capture. No more hopping between multiple open windows in different applications.
    • Save time reviewing and ensure quality as independent claims are automatically extracted and displayed for action.
    • Forgot where you were in your claims review? No problem, the platform remembers and allows you to pick up where you left off.

Driving quality results to enable better business outcomes

  • Controlled information disclosure with user-specific access delegations gives you peace of mind that attorney-client privilege is safeguarded throughout the life of a project
  • Positions and arguments from previously reviewed patents and technical rationale are easily referenced to ensure consistency.
  • Scale, respond and prioritize results faster while delivering more complete and enriched claims analysis
    • Multiple dimensions of work product types are intuitively woven into the interface designed to be informative and functional for future recall and interaction, including claim status, text highlighting, labels, comments, tags, ranks, etc.
    • Does a patent look familiar? If a patent has been looked at before, the system will tell you, and the prior analysis is one click away.

What our customers are saying:

❝The Clearstone FTO Platform makes the FTO process easy and intuitive. It enabled us to easily recall our notes, comments and earlier determinations regarding a previously searched reference which helped to ensure analysis quality and reduced the chance of missing a claim while saving considerable time in completing the analysis.❞

-Carlyn Burton

Partner, Osha Bergman Watanabe & Burton, LLP

❝We’re in a stronger position because of the competitive monitoring we’ve been able to do with Clearstone FTO.❞

-Senior IP Counsel

International Public Company

❝It is simply the best product on the market and I must have it.❞

-IP Counsel

Medical Device Company

❝If I could wave a magic wand and create the exact system I wanted, it would essentially be this system.❞

-IP Portfolio Manager & Patent Attorney

Leading Global Manufacturing Company

❝I am not aware of any other system that can support us with claims assessments like the Clearstone FTO Platform can. The efficiency gains are numerous, it provides a clear view of potential risks and makes it easier to confidently communicate those risks to leadership❞

-Patrick Traister

Chief IP Counsel, Braskem

Everyday thousands of Patent Professionals and R&D Leaders Globally Rely on the ClearstoneIP Platform to Manage and Collaborate on product clearance, freedom to operate and patent infringement-based analysis.