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Clearstone FTO

Accelerate patent clearance and product development with a centralized freedom-to-operate workflow management platform that builds leverageable institutional knowledge.

The Clearstone FTO platform serves as a real-time communication center and virtual data room designed to optimize the FTO assessment process

De-Risk Product Development with Efficient FTO and Demonstrable Diligence

Our product-centric approach makes it easy to integrate your product development cycle into a comprehensive FTO and patent clearance process. Associate patent reviews to specific products and aspects, quickly access historical product analyses, and harness product versioning functionality for side-by-side updating of results. Over time, Clearstone FTO becomes a robust repository for demonstrable diligence and captured insights.

Need to review a set of patents against several product variations or product lines to make different determinations for different products? Our Multi-Product Review feature makes this process intuitive and highly functional.

Review Patents Faster with Integrated Patent Analysis

With our integrated patent review interface, you can make determinations on a claim-by-claim basis with instant, real-time synchronization in shared reviews. Highlight claim text, annotate, tag, and comment seamlessly. No clunky spreadsheets needed, but you can export instantly to Word or Excel if you really want to.

With our Digital Review framework, you can empower users to communicate, work in teams, share information, optimize time and resources, and better serve clients and stakeholders.

Learn More about the Digital Review

Leverage Prior Patent Claim Analysis

Patent clearance analysis is product-specific, but our unique review architecture enables you to leverage prior work for current projects to avoid duplicative effort and ensure claim positions remain consistent. Building institutional knowledge around freedom-to-operate becomes automatic and intuitive.

Collaborate Efficiently with Purpose-Built Workflows

Easily collaborate on patent reviews with colleagues, counsel, engineers, and other stakeholders. Anyone with a Clearstone FTO account, free or premium, can contribute to a shared review. Intuitive review functionality keeps collaborators focused on the task at hand while working in tandem for quicker response times and no versioning issues.

Effortlessly Protect Attorney-Client Privilege with Role-Based Access

Stop trying to contain email, chat, and other random communications in the wild. Standard workflows built into the Clearstone FTO platform provide a central hub for commentary and make it easy to preserve attorney-client privilege. With special access profiles for technical and legal reviewers, you decide who gets access and how much access they have.

Review Claims and Capture Analysis in Foreign Patents

Select claim sets from available languages and perform deep analysis, including claim text highlighting and commenting, in any one or multiple languages.

Protect Your Work with Secure, Compliant Technology

Clearstone FTO uses industry-leading encryption, authentication, and database provisioning technology to safeguard your work. Confidentiality and privacy are essential to any legal and R&D work, and our platform makes no exception.

We understand how important security, confidentiality, and privacy are to our customers, Fortune 500 enterprises and startups alike. We are 100% committed to proactively implementing and maintaining industry-leading cybersecurity standards and are SOC2 and GDPR compliant.

Every day, thousands of users around the globe rely on Clearstone FTO to manage and collaborate on product clearance, freedom to operate, and patent infringement analysis.

What our customers are saying:

❝The Clearstone FTO Platform makes the FTO process easy and intuitive. It enabled us to easily recall our notes, comments and earlier determinations regarding a previously searched reference which helped to ensure analysis quality and reduced the chance of missing a claim while saving considerable time in completing the analysis.❞

-Carlyn Burton

Partner, Osha Bergman Watanabe & Burton, LLP

❝We’re in a stronger position because of the competitive monitoring we’ve been able to do with Clearstone FTO.❞

-Senior IP Counsel

International Public Company

❝It is simply the best product on the market and I must have it.❞

-IP Counsel

Medical Device Company

❝If I could wave a magic wand and create the exact system I wanted, it would essentially be this system.❞

-IP Portfolio Manager & Patent Attorney

Leading Global Manufacturing Company

❝I am not aware of any other system that can support us with claims assessments like the Clearstone FTO Platform can. The efficiency gains are numerous, it provides a clear view of potential risks and makes it easier to confidently communicate those risks to leadership❞

-Patrick Traister

Chief IP Counsel, Braskem